Destination Wedding Photographer

When my husband and I got married, we eloped in Kenya. 


We went on safari, staying at different camps, exploring together. 

One evening we had dinner in a dry river bed, and elephants came over to join us at the water hole. We watched the stars, and listened to the night gathering around us. And each morning, we’d wake up together, lace up our boots, and wonder what the day ahead would hold.  

On the last day, I woke up with a wedding ring on my hand having married the love of my life beneath a giant fig tree. Elephants in the distance, blessings around us, joy everywhere.

As your destination wedding photographer, that’s what I want to capture in every frame. 

*That* feeling. 

That ‘let’s go exploring’, ‘ooh that looks tasty’, ‘what’s over there?’, soul-deep freedom. That feeling of waking up, and wondering what the day ahead will hold. 

And it could be anything. The way the light hits a building in the morning. Calamari on the docks, cocktails, and bobbing boats. Slippery-wet rocks; a ‘catch me!’ screech, and a laugh.

Adventure awaits...

I want to give you the elegance of the editorial, alight with the rawness of the real. The spirit of adventure, the wonder of the world and the beautiful ordinary, all at once. 

I want to give you that feeling, bottled.

Getting married abroad is a decision to do something epic. To scoop up your passports, jump on a plane, and leave ‘normal’ behind. 

So wherever we’re going, let’s embrace it, together. 

Let’s share the driving, sing badly, laugh out loud. Let’s have as much fun in the car as we do when we get there. Let’s capture your adventure, and turn it into art. 



I’ll stay with you for at least three nights, so there’s never any rush, or ‘I hope she gets here!’ panic. 

We’ll explore your venue together, chat everything through, and get to know each other properly before the big day. And when your day comes, you’ll be in just the best possible place…

Comfy, confident, blissfully zen. And ready to embrace every person, every detail, every moment. 



There’s a reason you fell in love with your destination- that “let’s just move here!” feeling. The architecture, the scenery, the food, the vibe…whatever it is, we’d be CRAZY not to make the most of it, right?! 

So either the day before or after, we’ll go for a little adventure together, just the three of us. Sunrise, sunset, all afternoon…whenever, wherever, I’m all yours! 

We’ll go exploring in our own time, have some fun, and get some seriously stunning shots for your walls!



I’ve lived overseas for years, and shot destination weddings all over the world. And let me tell you a little sectret…pssst! 

Plans B, C and D make all the best stories!

So let’s jump in headfirst, shall we?! I’m super practical, super calm, and worldly-wise beyond my years. Whatever comes our way, we’ll roll with it, laugh about it, and enjoy every moment for what it is. 

This will be the adventure of a lifetime, let’s get swept away and see where it takes us. 



As someone who’s planned her own destination wedding (and helped plan several more), I get it. That to-do list of yours is spicy!

So as soon as you book me, I’ll take as much off your plate as possible Finding vendors, scouting locations, mapping out logistics- with a few well-aimed tweaks, we’ll take your experience from ‘pretty good’ to unforgettably awesome! 

(Pro tip: I’ll help where I can, but trust me- destination wedding planners are worth their weight in gold!)



YOUR destination

I’m fun, calm, and infinitely unflappable. You won’t have to nanny me, make a fuss, or wait for me to catch up. This is not my first rodeo (unless it’s an *actual rodeo*, in which case, it will be my first rodeo). 

My work is inspired by cinematography, nature, and art. I’ve shot in the riads of Morocco, the waterfalls of Iceland, the plains of Kenya. Plonk me anywhere and I’ll create; take me abroad and I’ll give you magic. 

I had a destination wedding myself, so I understand more than most. Not just the logistics, or the unexpected, unseen demands. But the impulse behind it. The irresistible pull of it. 

And I understand I’ll be giving you more than beautiful photos. 

I’ll be giving you ‘that was us’ in a frame. Memories you'll always have, and favourite stories you’ll race to tell. 

(OK, elevator pitch, here goes…)

You could choose anyone to be your destination wedding photographer.
 So why choose me?

What really matters is that spark - that familiar warmth of human connection. The feeling you get when we chat. 

You’re choosing someone to join you in the adventure of a lifetime. You want someone who’ll throw themselves into the experience alongside you, and capture- not just how it looked, but how it felt. 

If you think that person might be me, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s have a chat and find out if I’m the one.

Honestly, all the ‘on paper’ things aren’t as important as you might think.

When it comes to choosing your destination wedding photographer…